Thursday, December 12, 2019

Overnight in the Negev

Our first stop on the way to the Negev is the Israel Airforce Museum in Be'er Sheva

An amazing outdoor museum showcasing many of the airplanes and helicopters Israel has used since 1948

Some that we were even allowed to sit in!

Our guide teaching about the history of some of the planes

The actual airplane used as the "command center" for Operation Entebbe in Uganda

Our "home" for the night...An alpaca farm in Mitzpe Ramon

Kenny rocking the schnitzel

The girls preparing the salads

Gavi helping with the fresh Shluchot corn

A feast to remember

A beautiful sunrise

A guest still  asleep on our porch

Thanks Mayer for the homemade tea

"Where did you come from???"

We fed alpacas, llamas, and goats

It wouldn't be a trip to Negev without a hike or two.....

Beautiful colored sand in Makhtesh Ramon (Ramon Crater)

A quick roadside stop on the way home

Sunset over the Negev

1 comment:

  1. Great pictures, Thank you for sharing theses amazing experiences.
