Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Kulanu Ba'aretz "Sheva" begins

Thank you Kulanu High school for the going away party!

Goodbye friends and families..see you in 2 months 

Arriving in Ben Gurion and meeting Ken and Dvora

Rosh Chodesh davening on our first morning on kibbutz

Bicycles and helmets available for all!

Exploring our new home.....Kibbutz Shluchot

Shluchot has almost 500 dairy cows...which need to be milked 3 times a day everyday!

Baby cows are born everyday....and are very cute

Getting the "farm life" experience

Can't forget to feed the goats

Hiking to the famous Shluchot fish ponds, where several varieties of fish are raised and harvested for market

Sara with a giant pomelo fruit

First lunch in the kibbutz dining room

Our beautiful backyard!!